
隆发海味批发有限公司位于马来西亚,雪兰莪州,是一间专营干海产及杂货的出入口商。我们公司成立于1978年, 起初由创办人林景发先生所设立的小型杂货店[隆发宝号]到后来儿子林俊熙先生的加入,他们积极的到世界各地去采购各种不同的产品。两父子每年均会前往探访各地的供应商,亲自与合作伙伴接洽以更深入了解其经营模式及到工厂里视察食品的生产作业流程以确保货源供应稳定及产品的素质。我们公司不仅是为了利益着想,也顾及了消费者的心态与健康,因此我们一直都坚持购买价钱合理,卫生及安全的食品。最终目的就是希望给顾客带来安全健康,美味及品质佳的食品。在两父子的引领之下,全公司员工携手拓展生意让公司渐渐的成长,成为目前在国内数一数二的一间海味进出口与批发的公司[隆发海味批发有限公司]。
商业模式 & 主要的食品进口商
本公司的商业模式包括了进口,出口,批发与销售一系列的食品例如农业食品(蒜头,洋葱,马铃薯等等), 豆类与谷类, 坚果类, 罐头食品, 菇类, 腌制食品,干蔬菜,干果,面类以及本公司销售量最庞大在国内鼎鼎有名的食品-海味 (海参,花膠,干贝,蚝干,鱿鱼等等)。本公司批发的各种海味里头, 尤其以海参为主,由原产国进口,提供的都是高级一流的货色,海参绝对是本公司的重头产品。此外,本公司有进行小规模的食品加工也有创造属于自己的食品品牌。

隆发一直秉持信任, 名誉,廉耻与忠诚这些理念在先的态度,希望公司能一直不断的创新与进步。依据我们的专业知识和经验,我们绝对有信心为顾客们提供优质的服务以及健康安全的食品。最后,对于合作伙伴,顾客和一起打拼的员工同事们,我们真心诚意的会努力维持与培养长期和双赢的合作关系。
Background & History
Loong Fatt Sealand Products Sdn Bhd is located in Selangor, West Malaysia, specialising in dried seafood. Our company was previously known as Pasaraya Loong Fuat Sdn Bhd and was first established as a small grocery shop in 1978 by our director, Mr. Lim Keng Huat. Later, his son Mr. Lim Chun Shi joined the company and gradually in charge of sourcing and purchasing various products globally, mainly from the original places of production. In addition, the father & son both travel frequently to visit the suppliers and the factories just to ensure the quality of the products are always obtained. They hold a strong belief to always locate safe and hygienic products at a reasonable price. Under their vision and leadership in the past decades, the company has grown into one of the leading dried seafood importers and exporters in Malaysia.
Business Model & Major Importer Of Food Products
The major business activities of our company include importing, exporting, wholesaling and trading numerous commodities such as, agricultural food (garlic, onions, shallots, potatoes, etc), beans & grain, nuts & seeds, canned food, mushroom & fungus, dried vegetable, preserved food, dried fruit, noodle, and most importantly, a vast variety of dried seafood that has gained an extensive popularity in Malaysia (dried sea cucumber, dried fish maw, dried scallop, dried oyster, dried squid, etc.). We hereby emphasise on our sea cucumber, as our sea cucumber are all imported from the original countries with excellent and guaranteed quality, and we can proudly say that sea cucumber is considered as our company’s signature product. Furthermore, we are also involved in a small scale of branding, food manufacturing and processing.    

Over the years, our company strives to preserve and build strong relationships with its valued partners by sourcing a wide range of products from many different countries worldwide and selling mainly to the domestic stakeholders.
Vision & Values
Our company places great emphasis on trust, reputation, integrity and loyalty, our principal values to the path of business success. We promise to always perform our best as we believe we are well equipped with the experience and expertise to provide safe & trusted products; and to guarantee long-lasting customer satisfaction. All in all, we sincerely wish to foster long term and win-win business connections with our co-workers, customers, partners, vendors and suppliers.